Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Capital of Canada

Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Capital of Canada

Once again, I had the extreme privilege of being asked to narrate one of Hammerson Peters documentary videos. I love his work. He is an amazing storyteller, documentarian and artist. Please have a look at his latest installment and make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Also, you can find his art and books at HammersonPeters.com.

If you have done even minimal research into the subject of Sasquatch, then there is a fare chance you have heard of Harrison Hot Springs. For me, the first thing I think of when I hear Harrison Hot Springs is John Green, the father of Sasquatch research as far as I am concerned. Well there is a good reason John Green resided in this town. The thick forested mountains surrounding this quaint town are ground zero for the elusive hairy beast we know as Sasquatch.

Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Capital of Canada by Hammerson Peters
How the Sasquatch Got Its Name by Hammerson Peters

How the Sasquatch Got Its Name by Hammerson Peters

Obviously, if you listen to our podcast or have landed on our website, you have an interest in the unexplained. Many of the encounters and stories of the unexplained, have a root in folklore which typically originates from historical events. Many of these events are documented, if you know where to look for them. I first heard about author Hammerson Peters when we interacted on Instagram after we posted Episode 2: ‘The Valley of the Headless Men’ of our podcast. This is when I became interested in his books. When I caught up on my back log stack of books, I ordered his book ‘Legends of the Nahanni Valley’. If you are not familiar with the history of this area, it is fascinating. The history and mystique surrounding the Nahanni Valley and the Valley of the Headless Men just sucked me in and I consumed his book. The next book I ordered and the one I am currently ready is ‘Mysteries of Canada Volume 1’. This book is where the stories in the video below come from. So I encourage you to grab one of his books at the Amazon link below, which is not an affiliation link, I just enjoy his material and believe you will also. Also, follow him on social media and subscribe and watch his YouTube channel.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/hammersonpeters

Twitter: @hammersonpeters

Instagram: @hammersonpeters

Hammerson Peters on Amazon



Welcome to UnexplainedReality.com, the online home for the Unexplained Reality podcast. We are glad you have found us here on the web. If you subscribe to our podcast, we thank you for your friendship and loyalty. If you do not currently subscribe to our podcast, we please ask you to do so either via the link on the Home page or by searching Unexplained Reality on your favorite podcatcher. 

We are a father and son team who have an interest in the world around us. We are fascinated about the places, people, nature and laws of nature that make up this magnificent anomaly. Although we enjoy learning new things about every aspect of the world we live in, we have an exceptionally healthy appetite for those things in this world that are experienced, encountered or witnessed; that can’t be explained. To believe we know all there is to know about the forces at work and/or the creatures that exist in this world, is a naive stance to say the least. Our world is much more vast on a physical and supernatural level. You have experiences and encounters all over this globe that cannot be explained. Many times, these experiences and encounters are witnessed by hundreds and sometimes thousands of people with uncanny similarities in their details. However, in most cases these people are discounted or ridiculed and their experiences are unexplained. But in fact, to these people, these witnesses, their experience or encounter was very much real. Our purpose is to give those people, those witnesses a voice. To share their message and let them know that we do not claim to know all that exists in this world. We are not here to challenge your reality, we are here to share these tales and broaden the thoughts and understanding of the world around each and every one of us. As Sir Francis Bacon stated “Knowledge is Power”, that is our thoughts exactly!

Please come join us on this journey and explore what this universe has to offer. And as usual, if you have an encounter or experience you would like to share, please drop us an email or fill out the information under the Contact section at the top of the page.

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