Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Capital of Canada

Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Capital of Canada

Once again, I had the extreme privilege of being asked to narrate one of Hammerson Peters documentary videos. I love his work. He is an amazing storyteller, documentarian and artist. Please have a look at his latest installment and make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Also, you can find his art and books at HammersonPeters.com.

If you have done even minimal research into the subject of Sasquatch, then there is a fare chance you have heard of Harrison Hot Springs. For me, the first thing I think of when I hear Harrison Hot Springs is John Green, the father of Sasquatch research as far as I am concerned. Well there is a good reason John Green resided in this town. The thick forested mountains surrounding this quaint town are ground zero for the elusive hairy beast we know as Sasquatch.

Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch Capital of Canada by Hammerson Peters

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